All structures maxed

Destructive Shrine: Increases the breaker enhancement off all guild members by 10 % per level.
Breaker: increased chance to damage opponents items.
Bandit Camp: Increases the master thief enhancement of all guild members by 5 % per level
Master thief: Small chance to steal all of oppaonents gold (PvP only)
Awareness Training: Increases the protect gold enhancement of all guildmembers by 5 % per level
Protect gold: small chance to protect all your gold (PvP only)
Training Room: Increases the dodge enhancement of all guildmembers by 5 % per level
Dodge: small chance to evade an incoming attack, regardless of att/def
Crippling Shrine: Increases the disarm enhancement of all guildmembers by 2 % per level
Disarm: Chance to half the current durability of defenders weapon (PvP only)
Blacksmith: Increases the master blacksmith enhancement off all guild members by 10 % per level
Master blacksmith: Reduces the repair cost by a percentage dependant on the enhancement lvl
Tavern: Allows your guild to view the time until the next available mercenary
Crafters Workshop: Improves the master crafter enhancement of all guildmembers by 20 % for each level
Master crafter: Improved chance to create better crafted items
Military Advisor: Allows the guild to view the combined stats of group attacks
Battle Totem: Increases the attack of all guildmembers by +2 per level
Health Shrine: Increases the HP of all guildmembers by +5 per level
Armory: Increases the defence and armour of all guildmembers by +2 per level
Endurance Shrine: Increases the stamina gain of all guild members by +5 per hour
Thieves Guild: Increases the thievery enhancement off all guild members by +20 % per level
Thievery: Increase gold stolen from other players when in combat
Weaponsmith: Increases the defence and armour of all guildmembers by +1 per level
Temple: Increases the holy enhancement off all guild members by +10 % per level
Holy: Small increase in damage vs. undead creatures
Shrine of Pain: Increases the critical hit enhancement off all guild members by 5 % per level
Critical hit: Very small chance to do double damage with a succesful hit
Tranquil Retreat: Increases the max stamina of all guild members by +20 per levelPentagram: Increases the banishment enhancement off all guild members by 5 % per level
Banishment: Small increase in damage vs. demonic creatures
Protection Shrine: Increases the protection enhancement off all guild members by 10 % per level
Protection: Small reduction to the xp lost when killed in PvP
Blade Master: Increases the piercing strike enhancement off all guild members by 10% per level
Piercing strike: Chance to reduce target armor to 50% if succesful
Sustain Shrine: Increases the sustain enhancement off all guild members by 5 % per level
Sustain: Increases the time skills remain active
Fury Shrine: Increases level of skills cast by guildmembers by 5 for each level (fury caster enhancement)
Furycaster: Inreases the lvl of skills when cast on self and others.
Preemptive temple: Increases the First Strike enhancement by 2 % per level
First strike: chance the attacker will forfeit their attack in the first combat turn
Combat pit: Increases the duelist enhancement by 1 % per level
Duelist: enhances offensive stats in PvP combat
Scout tower: Allows you to view the current kills by your guild on any active titan