

Offensive skills:
Level 1: 

[Cost 10, Duration 90] +0.2% to base attack per point. This skill applies to everything you attack. Notice it says BASE attack. It doesn’t apply to any guild or armor/weapon bonuses. In my opinion, the bonus given by your equipment far outweighs the 20% to your base attack this skill would give. 

[Cost 15, Duration 90] +0.1% chance per point to halve your opponents chance to hit. Again, this is a multi-target skill. This skill (at 100), give you a 10% chance to reduce your opponent’s attack stat by half. Not the base stat, but the whole shebang. At first look, this looks appealing, but as you get in to the higher levels (lvl 50 +), you are looking to one-hit kill your monsters, so it becomes a moot point.  not a worthy skill

Level 25: 

[Cost 10, Duration 90] {10 point pre-requisite in Rage} +0.1% base Attack and +0.1% base Damage per point. An all around buff, this skill again seems like a good deal. And it isn’t all that bad. Of all the ‘base stat’ skills, this isone of the more useful. Most players level up their attack and damage points while leaving their armor, defense, and HP leveling alone. Can be usefull if you need that little extra attack and damage

[Cost 10, Duration 45] {10 point pre-requisite in Rage} +0.2% chance per point to drain 5% of your opponents current HP per combat turn from your opponent. This skill is only useful in multiple rounds of combat, and you don’t receive that HP that’s drained from your opponent. Since we are trying to avoid multiple rounds of combat… Not a worthy skill. 

 Enchant Weapon:
[Cost 10, Duration 90] +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped weapon (Excludes 'Gain' bonuses). This is handy depending on your weapon. If your weapon only has one stat bonus, okay. But if your weapon has multiple stat bonuses, better. ‘Gain bonuses’ refer to a + of gold, stamina, or exp hourly gain. This is the first worthy skill in this category in my opinion.

Level 75: 

[Cost 15, Duration 90] {10 point pre-requisite in Rage and Fury} +0.2% base Damage per point. Again, this is another base stat bonus, probably more useful than Fury. With a lot of players putting large amounts of level up points in Damage, this can be very handy. this is a good skill

 Holy Flame: [Cost 15, Duration 90] +0.2% extra damage vs. undead per point. This is the first creature-specific skill. Out of 393 creatures listed in FallenGuide, only 40 are classified as undead as of 9/19/07. ‘Nuff said about that. this is a must have when facing undead creatures

Level 150: 

 Dark Curse:
[Cost 20, Duration 60] {10 point pre-requisite in Rage, Fury and Berserk} +0.2% reduction of opponents defense per point. More useful at higher levels than lower, as this affects the opponent’s entire defense stat and 20% of a monster with a defense of 12 is only 3 points (rounded up).  This is a GREAT skill! 

Level 200:

[Cost 20, Duration 90] +0.1% chance per point that your opponent will forfeit their next combat turn. I have heard higher-level players say that one-hitting mobs is almost impossible at these levels, so I imagine this skill could be useful.  This is a GOOD skill!

[Cost 10, Duration 60] +0.1% chance per point that your opponent will be set on fire. Each successful hit thereafter will inflict between 5% and 10% extra damage. This is an automatic damage booster.  it's only usefull when you're 2-hitting or more, as it doesn't do any damage the first hit. This is not a worthy skill

level 250

 super elite slayer: [Cost 25, Duration 10] 0.2% per point reduction of damage, attack, defence and armor to super elite creatures. This is a GOOD skill if you choose to hunt superelites

 Wither: [cost 15 Duration 60] +0.2% per point chance of a 50% reduction of your opponents HP at the start of combat. More chance of 1 hitting creatures. this is a GREAT skill

level 300

 Shatter armor: [Cost 20, Duration 45] +0.05% per point chance to reduce opponents armor by 75%. since 1 hitting creatures is pretty much impossible at high level, this is a good skill

 Deathwiss: [Cost 20, Duration 30] +0.03% per point chance to instantly kill vs. creatures. More chance to 1 hit kill creatures, to bad it only lasts for 30 minutes. This a GOOD skill

 Spellbreaker: [Cost 35, Duration 30] +0.1% per point chance to remove a random buff from PvP target upon a successful attack.
Not a very usefull buff if you ask me. unless you really hate someone. might be good during guild comflicts

Level 400

Spectral Knight +0.1% per point chance to reduce targets armor by 100%. (vs Creature only)
Cost: 15 stam (25 point pre-requisite in shatter armor)
Duration: 45 min
This is a usefull skill if the creatures have a lot of armor. Increases chance of 1 hitting creatures. This is a GREAT skill

Keen Edge +0.1% per point to your attack for each complete set equipped.
Cost: 10 stam (25 point pre-requisite in death wish)
Duration: 60 min
This skill can give a huge boost to your attack stat. This is a GREAT skill

Level 500

Arterial Strike Gain additional 0.1% xp per point for every additional round of combat. (Note that this does not activate if conserve activated)
Cost: 20 stam (.. point pre-requisite in shatter armor and spectral knight)
Duration: 60 min
This skill is a must have if you need more than 1 hit to kill during your hunts. This is a great skill

Death Dealer For every 5 kills in a row, without dying, you gain +0.01% extra damage per point (Max 20% and vs. creatures only).
Cost: 20 stam (.. point pre-requisite in Death Wish and Keen Edge)
Duration: 60 min
20% increase in damage can sometimes mean the difference between 1, 2 or 3 hitting. Use this in combination with defence buffs. This is a great skill

Level 600

Savagery 0.05% chance per point that your defense stat is added to your attack and your armor stat is added to your damage.
Cost: 15 stam
Duration: 45 min
When hunting with a defence setup, I see little use for the skill, but when hunting with an armor setup this can be very usefull to get more damage occasionally. This is a GOOD skill

Level 700

Chi Strike 0.1% per point of your Health total is added to your damage
Cost: 20 stam
Duration: 90 min
Not many people have points in HP while hunting, so I see little use for this skill. Not a worthy skill

Shield Strike 0.1% per point chance that your defense stat is reduced to zero and your damage is doubled.
Cost: 20 stam
Duration: 45 min

When hunting with an armor setup this won't affect your protection and you have a good chance to double your damage. This is a GREAT skill

Defensive Skills:
Level 1:
 Great Vigor: [Cost 10, Duration 90] +0.2% base HP per point. I know too many players that never put any level up points into HP, so I would skip this one.

Level 25:
 Fortify: [Cost 10, Duration 120] +0.1% base Armor per point. In my opinion, another useless skill as there isn’t an opportunity for your defense to come into play if you are one-hitting the monster. 

[Cost 10, Duration 90] +0.1% base Defense per point. See Fortify. 

[Cost 20, Duration 120] +0.1% chance per point that you will absorb 25% of the damage inflicted on you. Ok, at level 100, that’s 10% chance you are going to absorb 25% of the damage IF the monster hits you.

Level 75:
 Rock Skin: [Cost 15, Duration 90] {10 point pre-requisite in Fortify} +0.1% base Defense and +0.1 base Armor per point. Limited by the ‘base’ side of this skill, this buff has very limited usefulness. 

 Enchanted Armor:
[Cost 10, Duration 90] {10 point pre-requisite in Absorb} +0.1% per point stat bonus increase to your equipped armor. (Excludes 'Gain' bonuses). This is a useful boost, as not everyone can afford the “prime” equipment and the bonus applies to the armor, not the base stat.

Level 150:
 Aura of Protection: [Cost 20, Duration 90] +0.1% base Defense, +0.1% base Armor and +0.1% base HP per point. Of the base stat defense buffs, this is the one to get if you want one. But that is based entirely on that it boosts 3 stats. not a worthy skill

[Cost 25, Duration 300] +0.25% chance per point that a player attacking you will automatically fail before combat starts. This is a PvP-only skill, with very little usefulness. Attackers automatically gain the first attack which would make it useful, but for the buff length. 5 hours is longer than most players log off, and at the level you gain this buff most players don’t PvP. If they ever extend the duration of this buff to 12 or 24 hours, it would be worthy.

Level 200:
 Force Shield: [Cost 10, Duration 60] +0.1% chance to reduce damage done to you to 1. Another nice skill, as it applies to not only PvM but also to PvP combat. Useful if you are in a pinch for armor/ defense. 

[Cost 20, Duration 90] +0.5% chance per point of equipment not taking durability loss during combat. If you want to save a few pennies on repairing your armor, this is the buff for you. It’s a good buff, but there are more pressing buffs to get. Also very usefull if you use crystalline items

level 250

 Assist: [Cost 30, Duration 120] +0.05% per point chance of one of your allies assisting in combat vs. creatures. (Ally is randomly selected and adds 50% of their attack, defense, damage, armor and hp - note this also excludes allies whom are more than 25 levels above you). This is a GOOD skill as long as you have someone in allies list who is max 25 levels above or below you

level 300  

Constitution: [Cost 25, Duration 30] +0.1% per point increase to your defense. This skill can be usefull if you hunt with a defence setup 

Level 400

Counter Attack Uses 0.25% extra stamina (per point) to add 0.25% to both attack and damage. (Both values are rounded up, vs. creature only)
Cost: 20 stam
Duration: 60 min

Both values are rounded up, means that the stamina used during 1 hitting is doubled when used without doubler. However when used with doubler the rounding up now happens after doubler which can make this skill usefull for hunting.
Doubler x10

level 40 CA - 11 stam cost - 10% bonus
level 80 CA - 12 stam cost - 20% bonus
level 120 CA - 13 stam cost - 30% bonus
level 160 CA - 14 stam cost - 40% bonus
level 165 CA - 15 stam cost - 42% bonus

Doubler x11

Level 36 CA - 12 stam cost - 9% bonus
Level 72 CA - 13 stam cost - 18% bonus
Level 109 CA - 14 stam cost - 28% bonus
Level 145 CA - 15 stam cost - 37%bonus
Level 165 CA - 16 stam cost - 42% bonus

Summon Shield Imp Creates an Imp which can absorb 100% of damage. Each full absorb uses one of the Shield Imp's hit points. The Shield Imp starts with 3 hit points and gains one for each 50 points placed in this skill. The Shield Imp auto-debuffs when it reaches zero hit points. (Note Super-Elites can crush the imp in a single turn regardless of hit points remaining and it only works in PvE.
Cost: 50 stam
Duration: 60 min (deactivates when it reaches zero hit points)

This skill only works against monsters. It can have it's uses if you don' want to die during hunting, to for example keep your death dealer buff at 20%. It is an expencive buff to cast and only works with a defence setup. This is a good skill

Level 500

Vision Lights up dark realms. More skill points allow more vision on the 'Map' screen. (Vision radius increases every 50 levels
Cost: 20 stam
Duration: 90 min

I can imagine that this can be usefull in dark realms

Fortitude Defense stat is added to HP. (0.1% per point)
Cost: 15 stam
Duration: 90 min

In my opinion this is a useless skill

Level 600

Flinch 0.1% per point decrease in enemies Attack stat
Cost: 20 stam
Duration: 60 min

This skill can be usefull when you don't have enough defence. This is a GOOD skill

Level 700

Terrorize 0.1% per point decrease in enemies Damage stat
Cost: 20 stam
Duration: 60 min

This skill can be usefull when you don't have enough armor. This is a GOOD skill

Nightmare Visage 0.25% per point of your Attack will be transferred into Defense. (Great for offline protection!)
Cost: 40 stam
Duration: 1000 min

I see little use for this skill. While offline it is also important to have a good attack stat. This is not a worthy skill

Special Skills

Level 1: 

Quest Finder Increases the chance a quest item will drop. (If you fail to obtain an item, an extra roll is given for Quest Finder at a fixed percentage based on the points allocated to the skill. If this second roll is successful, you will obtain one of the available quest items drops (if any)).
Cost: 5 stam
Duration: 90 min
This skill can be usefull for doing some quests

 Find Item:
[Cost 10, Duration 60] +0.1% per point increase of creatures current drop rate. This is primarily useful when hunting for a specific item. Also very handy during legendary events.  This is a GREAT skill! Not necessary to allocate points to this skill. as you won't use it often. people in the guild have it for you if you want it. It is better to use your points on other skills

 Treasure Hunter:
[Cost 15, Duration 120] +0.2% per point additional gold from creatures. This is a good skill, as it is an automatic increase in the amount of gold gained.  This is a GREAT skill!

 Deep Pockets:
[Cost 10, Duration 90] +0.25% per point reduction in gold lost on failed combat vs. creatures. This is almost a defensive skill, useful if you are having a rough time one-hitting the monsters.

Level 25: 

 Adept Learner:
[Cost 10, Duration 90] +0.2% per point increase in xp from creature kills. This is the first “must have” skill for leveling, giving you an automatic boost in exp gained. It would be wise to save for this skill to have the second you make lvl 25.  This is a GREAT skill!

[Cost 15, Duration 120] +0.25% per point reduction in xp lost when defeated in combat vs. creatures. See Deep Pockets (above).

Level 75: 

[Cost 10, Duration 60] +0.1% per point chance to gain double xp from creatures. Another skill that’s good for leveling. It isn’t an automatic boost to exp gained, but it does hit.  This is a GREAT skill!

[Cost 10, Duration 60] +0.05% per point chance to gain double gold from creatures. This is the “gold gain” version of Librarian.  This is a GREAT skill!

Level 150: 

 Last Ditch:
[Cost 15, Duration 120] +0.2% per point chance to survive death in combat (once per combat). I doubt this skill would be very useful even at level 115. Your equipment should be keeping you ‘alive’ even if you aren’t one-hitting.

Level 200: 

 Animal Magnetism:
[Cost 10, Duration 60] +0.2% per point chance to make certain creatures re-spawn at your location. This skill is useful for areas where the monsters are sparse and requires a lot of walking to find them. Only re-spawns monster types you kill.  This is a GOOD skill!

[Cost 20, Duration 60] +0.1% per point increase to all currently active enhancements. Enhancements are those things on the right side of the item description box and total enhancements are listed on the left side of your main character page. This is the only buff that impacts your enhancements.  This is not a worthy skill

[Cost 5, Duration 120] At skill level 50+, 2x Stamina usage in combat in return for 2x gold/xp. At level 100+ 3x, and at level 150+ 4x. Note that stamina, gold, and xp losses are normal (not multiplied) if you lose a battle. This is a good skill for areas with low monster content, especially coupled with Animal Magnetism. This is a GREAT skill!

level 250

 Conserve: [Cost 10, Duration 30] +0.05% per point chance that combat (vs. players and vs. creatures) will use no stamina. (Excludes group/relic combat) because you use less stamina you can grow faster. So, this is a GREAT skill

 Brewing master: [Cost 10, Duration 20] +0.5% per point to the duration of potions when consumed while active. most potions last a long while. only usefull if you have a lot of stamina.

 Four leaf: [Cost 20, Duration 45] +0.1% per point chance that craftable items are discovered already 'Perfect'. This is a GOOD skill for when hunting elites or legendaries, 

Level 300

 Extend: [Cost 30, Duration 15] +0.25% per point increase to skills durations that are cast while this skill is active. Might be useful when you cast the skills that only last for 30 minutes

Level 400

Inventor Increases chance of success when attempting to Invent items/potions. (A fixed +0.05% chance per point extra chance of success)
Cost: 15 stam
Duration: 60 min

Usefull skill if you are going to invent a lot of items/potions

Extractor Increases chance of success when attempting to extract Components from Resources. (A fixed +0.05% chance per point extra chance of success).
Cost: 15 stam
Duration: 60 min

Usefull if you are going to extract a lot of components

Level 500

Inventor II Chance not to consume (or consume less) components when inventing items.
Cost: 20 stam
Duration: 60 min

Usefull skill if you are going to invent a lot of items/potions

Buff Master 0.2% per point chance to half the stamina cost (rounding up) when casting skills on other players. (Does not work on self!)
Cost: 20 stam
Duration: 60 min

This skill can save a lot of stamina if you are doing a lot of buffing. This is a great skill.

Level 600

Reflection 0.1% per point of enemies damage inflicted is added to your next combat strike.
Cost: 10 stam
Duration: 90 min

Another useless skill in my opinion


Light Foot 0.05% chance to use no stamina while moving on the world map.
Cost: 15 stam
Duration: 120 min

This can be very usefull if you have to travel big distances

Mesmerize 0.1% per point chance to reduce a creatures armor and defense by 50% (vs. creature only)
Cost: 20 stam
Duration: 60 min

This skill is also not that usefull

Auction house skills:

[Cost 0, Duration 0] +0.5% chance per point to repair each of your items in your backpack. only available in the special potions section in the auction house. Seems to only repair 1 item at a time and rumor has it, it works on crystalline. however this is not proven. not a very useful skill

[Cost 0, Duration 60] +0.1% per point increase to your armor. only available in the special potions section in the auction house. this is a useful skill when you are 2-hitting creatures.

A few Notes:

-- Definitions:
PvM: Player vs. Monster
PvP: Player vs. Player

-- Avoid “base” stat buffs. They are limited in their usefulness, especially as most people tend to concentrate level up points on Attack and Damage.

-- Skills for gains in exp and gold are very popular and rightly so.

-- Sustain is an enhancement that will lengthen the time the buff stays active, up to doubling the length the time. If you are shopping for buffs to buy from another player, look at the amount of sustain that the seller has.




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