Writhing Ward (level 100 shield)

Recipe are as follows
Recepie A - 1 x shield of the deep
1 x hammer of the deep
1 x purplet flower
receipe B - 2 x Rune of Decay
1 x purplet flower
receipe C - 1 x Reborn dragon armor
2 x reborn dragon ring
1 x purplet flower
Receipe D - 1x Reborn Leaf Staff
2 x reborn Guardian Ring
1 x purplet flower
Final Recipe ingredients are
each of the items made above plus 2 x Purple flower
Inferno Hammer (level 200 weapon)

Inferno activator - 1 x Lava rune
1 x Infernus helmet
1 x Infernus boots
2 x Jademare Blossom
8 x Amber essence
Inferno hammer head - 1x Burning inferno sword
1 x Burning amulet
3x Jademare Blossom
2 x Blood bloom root
5 x Amber Essence
Inferno handle - 1x flaming Baron sword
1x flaming Baron helmet
1x flaming Baron shield
10 x amber essence
Final Recipe ingredients are
each of the items made above plus 10 x Amber essence